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Teaching Style: Courses


Subbing in Seminary

I have included a short video of myself subbing in a seminary that I have worked in a couple times prior to this. Being that I am not currently working as a teacher, I was not able to capture the full essence of what it is to be a teacher in a classroom. By this I mean, there is no indication of a connection or repartee between these students and me. However, I have attempted to engage with these students to the best of my ability. As I assess this video, I find many improvements I need to make as a teacher and a sub. The first thing I noticed was that I was talking a lot, and should have given the students a longer period of time to answer questions, or volunteer to read. On that note, I need to devise a more engaging way to include sources in my lessons, other than simply reading and translating from a source sheet. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to sub and record myself, as I now see it as another way to improve my skills as a teacher.

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